This work inspired the wildfire ignition application. Details on the data and the model used are available in Chapter 1 and 2 of my dissertation.
Modeling wildfire ignition origins in southern California using linear network point processes
This paper focuses on spatial and temporal modeling of point processes on linear networks. Point processes on linear networks can simply be defined as point events occurring on or near line segment network structures embedded in a certain space. A separable modeling framework is introduced that posits separate formation and dissolution models of point processes on linear networks over time. While the model was inspired by spider web building activity in brick mortar lines, the focus is on modeling wildfire ignition origins near road networks over a span of 14 years. As most wildfires in California have human-related origins, modeling the origin locations with respect to the road network provides insight into how human, vehicular and structural densities affect ignition occurrence. Model results show that roads that traverse different types of regions such as residential, interface and wildland regions have higher ignition intensities compared to roads that only exist in each of the mentioned region types.